Food Microbiology 101

Food Microbiology 101 for the Fresh Produce Industry

Currently, there are no upcoming trainings for Food Microbiology 101 for the Fresh Produce Industry. Please check back for updates.


Many people involved with managing food quality and safety have not been exposed to traditional education in food microbiology. This 2.5 day course will seek to provide foundational information as it relates to the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables. Topics will cover an introduction to food microbiology, culturing microorganisms from food and the environment, and mechanisms to control and inactivate microorganisms in fresh produce. There will be hands-on laboratory sessions where participants will have the opportunity to learn different approaches for culturing bacteria. Participants will leave this course with enhanced skills to participate in conversations regarding food safety and quality. They will also gain a deeper understanding of microbiological methodologies, enabling them to interpret results and assess emerging technologies.


Day 1

8:30-9:00Welcome and Introductions
9:00-10:00Introduction to Food Microbiology
10:15-12:00Introduction to Food Microbiology
1:00-2:00Culturing microorganisms from produce and the environment
2:00-5:00Hands-on lab

Day 2

9:00-10:00Extrinsic and Microbial properties that impact microbial growth and survival
10:00-11:00Intrinsic properties that impact microbial growth and survival
11:00-12:00Postharvest handling practices to inactivate or inhibit target organisms
1:00-2:00Postharvest handling practices to inactivate or inhibit target organisms
2:00-5:00Hands-on lab

Day 3

9:00-9:45Know where to go – factual information for food safety
9:45-11:30Hands-on lab
11:30-12:00Course evaluation and certificates

Additional Information

  • For questions related to registering for the course, please contact Cathy Blood by email.
  • For questions related to content of the training, please contact Dr. Claire Murphy by email.